LEWISTON – SeniorsPlus will offer the following classes and support groups in April. Classes are held in person at its Lewiston, Wilton, or Norway locations; online; or hybrid. Class locations are 8 Falcon Road, Lewiston; 9 Marston St., Norway; and 284 Main St., Suite 100, Wilton. Classes are free, unless noted. Locations are fully accessible. Hearing assistive equipment is available upon request. For more information or to register, call 207-795-4010 or visit seniorsplus.org.
SPOTLIGHT-All counties
Aging Well Living Well expo
Date: Friday, April 25
Time: 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Location: University of Maine Farmington, Olsen Student Center, 111 South St.
Free admission. Registration required by April 7. Continental breakfast, exhibitors, e-bike demo, door prizes, 50/50 raffle, secure paper shredding, drug take-back, and your choice of three sessions:
* Backyard Birding
* Estate and Long-Term Care Planning
* Bingocize
* Funerals: Know your Options
* Don’t get Hooked! Internet Safety
* Medicare Made Easy
* Emergency Preparedness
To register or for more info, visit seniorsplus.org/awlw or call us at 207-795-4010.
Wowzitude! ‘Armchair Travel’
– Trailblazing Women of Lima, Peru
Date: Tuesday, April 1
Time: 2 p.m.
– Mystery Destinations
Dates: Tuesdays. April 8, 22, & 29
Time: 2 p.m.
– Cherry Blossoms in Bloom: Central Park, NYC
Date: Tuesday, April 15
Time: 2 p.m.
Location: SeniorsPlus Lewiston
Wowzitude’s Award-Winning Travel Club, designed for armchair travelers, takes you on LIVE, guided virtual walks around the world from the comfort and safety of SeniorsPlus. Interactive, virtual live-streamed walking tours feature expert hosts and trained local guides eager to Zoom in and introduce us to their favorite spots. Destinations are subject to change. Walk-ins welcome.
Game Day
Dates: Wednesdays, April 2 & 16 (every first and third Wednesday)
Time: 1-3 p.m.
Location: SeniorsPlus Lewiston
Have some popcorn while you play cribbage, canasta, board or card games. Bring your own or play ours.
Knitting Group
Dates: Wednesdays
Time: 4:30-7:30 p.m.
Location: SeniorsPlus Lewiston
Work on your own project, learn from others, and socialize.
Walk-in Tech Assistance with NDEC
Dates: Thursdays, April 3 & 17
Time: 1-3 p.m.
Instructor: Bailey Smart of NDEC
Location: SeniorsPlus Lewiston
Have technology questions? Do you need help with your device? Want to know what technology classes could improve your tech skills? No appointment necessary-just stop by.
Puzzle and Book Swap
Dates: Thursdays, April 3 & 17
Time: 1-3 p.m.
Location: SeniorsPlus Lewiston
Connect with others over your love of books and/or puzzles. Bring in your gently used books or jigsaw puzzles and take home new ones to enjoy.
CMP: Understanding Your Bill
Date: Thursday, April 10
Time: 9-10 a.m.
Instructor: CMP
Location: SeniorsPlus Lewiston
Understanding your energy use can help put you in control of your monthly bills. Learn about assistance options, how to read the bill, outages, community solar projects, and more. Have a question? Bring your bill in!
Medicare Made Simple
Date: Tuesday, April 15
Time: Noon-1 p.m.
Instructor: Brandi Connor-Vargeson
Location: SeniorsPlus Lewiston
With many Medicare plan options available, it can be difficult to know the best choices for your health needs. Navigate the different options, coverage costs, enrollment periods, and resources available to Medicare beneficiaries.
Swedish Death Cleaning-Part 1
Date: Thursday, April 17
Time: 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Instructor: Debbie Bechard, Community Ambassador
Location: SeniorsPlus Lewiston
Have you sometimes thought about paring down your possessions, but don’t know where to start? Join us for a two-part workshop. Swedish Death Cleaning is known as a ‘gentle art’-and is not about a weekend cleaning frenzy but rather a thoughtful (not morbid) process that helps us remove excess possessions from our lives to open up space in our homes…and our minds.
Community Recycle Day Drive-Thru event
Date: Saturday, April 26
Time: 9 a.m.-noon
Location: Community Credit Union, 40 Stanley St., Auburn
Community Credit Union is holding a free three-hour Community Recycle event at its Auburn branch. Recycle your items and benefit community organizations, including SeniorsPlus. All are welcome to participate, no membership required.
* On-site paper document shredding-Shredding On Site
* Televisions, monitors, computers, laptops, and printers only-North Coast Services
* Kaydenz Kitchen is accepting gently used and new clothing and shoes; also nonperishable goods.
* SHAREcenter is accepting new or gently used office supplies, classroom supplies, art supplies, dishes, utensils, cups, and pots and pans; also bottles and cans.
* SeniorsPlus is accepting nonperishables such as soups, pasta, canned veggies, canned fruit, canned meats (no glass please) as well as word search and crossword puzzle books.
Total Strength and Balance
Day/time: Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays, 10:30-11:15 a.m.
Instructor: Linn Morin, Certified Trainer
Cost: See below
Location: SeniorsPlus Lewiston
Participants will gain physical and neuro-muscular strength, as well as balance to improve activities of daily living. Lighter weights or soup cans, a basic bouncing ball, and some tubes are used in this seated exercise class. Water is recommended during the class. Check with your physician prior to any exercise class. To register or for more info, call Linn at 523-9055. Cost is covered by most supplemental Medicare insurances; call Linn for more details.
Chair Yoga In-Person and Zoom
Days/time: Tuesdays, 9-10 a.m.
Days/time: Fridays, 9-10 a.m.
Instructor: Mary Bishop
Cost: $5.00 per class. Payments exchanged directly with Mary.
Location: In person at Education Center, 8 Falcon Road, and Zoom
Must-haves: If on Zoom: computer, laptop, or tablet; sturdy chair on a non-slip surface. If in person, then just yourself.
Join Mary for this class offered both in person and on Zoom. It is designed to help with ease of movement and breath; finding stability, balance, and strength through yoga poses with variations for every ability. Drop in to see if this class is right for you. Classes are ongoing. Call for access to zoom link.
Wowzitude! ‘Armchair Travel’
– Trailblazing Women of Lima, Peru
Date: Tuesday, April 1
Time: 2 p.m.
– Exploring Buenos Aires’ Vibrant Murals
Date: Thursday, April 3
Time: 11 a.m.
– Mystery Destinations
Dates: Tuesdays. April 8, 22, & 29
Time: 2 p.m.
– Sofia, Bulgaria
Date: Thursday, April 10
Time: 11 a.m.
– Cherry Blossoms in Bloom: Central Park, NYC
Date: Tuesday, April 15
Time: 2 p.m.
– The Elegance of Milan, Italy
Date: Thursday, April 17
Time: 11 a.m.
– From Woolton, England: The Beatles’ Beginnings
Date: Thursday, April 24
Time: 11 a.m.
Location: SeniorsPlus Norway
Wowzitude’s Award-Winning Travel Club, designed for armchair travelers, takes you on LIVE, guided virtual walks around the world from the comfort and safety of SeniorsPlus. Interactive, virtual live-streamed walking tours feature expert hosts and trained local guides eager to Zoom in and introduce us to their favorite spots. Destinations are subject to change. Walk-ins welcome.
Partner Loss Grief Group
Dates: Thursdays, April 3-May 22 (8 weeks)
Time: 12:45-2:15 p.m.
Instructor: Andwell Bereavement Department
Location: SeniorsPlus Norway
The loss of a life partner can cause many changes, emotions, and bring up many questions. Comfort can be found when you know you are not alone. Register online at www.andwell.org/bereavement or call Andwell Bereavement Department at 207-795-9468.
Living Well for Better Health
Dates: Fridays, April 11-May 23 (no class April 25)
Time: 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Location: SeniorsPlus Norway
This six-week class meets once a week for two and a half hours. Each class includes a new topic designed to help participants dealing with chronic conditions. The class is a combination of presentations, discussion, and activities with others who have similar experiences. Space is limited. Please call or email SeniorsPlus to register.
Memory Garden Workshop-Hands-on Grief Activity
Date: Tuesday, April 15
Time: 10 a.m.-noon
Instructor: Andwell Bereavement Department
Location: SeniorsPlus Norway
The Memory Garden purpose is to foster conversation around persons/beings that are no longer on this earth. A gentle reminder that those we love are never gone; they live forever in our hearts and minds. Create a memory garden in honor of your loved one. All materials will be provided. No crafting skills required.
New to Norway!
Computer Technical Assistance
Date: Friday, April 18
Time: 8-10 a.m.
Instructor: James Whitman, Community Concepts
Location: SeniorsPlus Norway
Please call Jim at 508-1757 to make an appointment for individual assistance with your IT devices.
Save the date!
Estate Planning
Date: Thursday, May 29
Time: 3-4:40 p.m.
Facilitator: Lawyer Martha McLean
Location: SeniorsPlus Norway
General estate planning information, with time for questions.
Walk-in Tech Assistance
Dates: Tuesdays (No class April 22)
Time: 1-3 p.m.
Facilitator: Michael Burd
Location: SeniorsPlus Wilton
Need assistance with a phone, tablet, or laptop? Michael Burd, Technology Literacy, CTE and Life Skills Instructor of Franklin County Adult Education, will be here to help.
Loose Ends Knitting Group
Dates: Tuesdays
Time: 1-3 p.m.
Location: SeniorsPlus Wilton
Bring your own knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, or anything you enjoy. Relax and socialize as we learn and grow together as a group. Extra yarn and needles will be available.
Coffee and Cribbage
Dates: Thursdays
Time: 9-10:30 a.m.
Location: SeniorsPlus Wilton
Welcome to all beginner and experienced cribbage players. Limited cribbage boards available, so please bring your own if possible.
Getting News and Information Online
Date: Thursday, April 3
Time: 2-3 p.m.
Facilitator: NDEC
Location: SeniorsPlus Wilton
With online content, we have a constant flow of information as well as misinformation. We will look at ways to determine “real” news from “fake” news and then discover how to find the news and information you want using blogs, podcasts, online publications, and much more.
Wowzitude! ‘Armchair Travel’
– Exploring Buenos Aires’ Vibrant Murals
Date: Thursday, April 3
Time: 11 a.m.
– Sofia, Bulgaria
Date: Thursday, April 10
Time: 11 a.m.
– The Elegance of Milan, Italy
Date: Thursday, April 17
Time: 11 a.m.
– From Woolton, England: The Beatles’ Beginnings
Date: Thursday, April 24
Time: 11 a.m.
Location: SeniorsPlus Wilton
Wowzitude’s Award-Winning Travel Club, designed for armchair travelers, takes you on LIVE, guided virtual walks around the world from the comfort and safety of SeniorsPlus. Interactive, virtual live-streamed walking tours feature expert hosts and trained local guides eager to Zoom in and introduce us to their favorite spots. Destinations are subject to change. Walk-ins welcome.
Memory Garden Workshop-Hands-on Grief Activity
Date: Tuesday, April 8
Time: 10:30 a.m.-12:30p.m.
Instructor: Andwell Bereavement Department
Location: SeniorsPlus Wilton
The Memory Garden purpose is to foster conversation around persons/beings that are no longer on this earth. A gentle reminder that those we love are never gone; they live forever in our hearts and minds. Create a memory garden in honor of your loved one. All materials will be provided. No crafting skills required.
Caregiver Support Groups
-Lewiston Mondays
Date: Monday, April 14 (every second Monday)
Time: 5:30-7 p.m.
Location: SeniorsPlus Lewiston
-Lewiston Thursdays
Date: Thursday, April 24 (every last Thursday)
Time: 3-4:30 p.m.
Location: SeniorsPlus Lewiston
Date: Thursday, April 24 (every fourth Thursday)
Time: 2:30-4 p.m.
Location: SeniorsPlus Norway
Date: Thursday, April 3 (every first Thursday)
Time: 3-4:15 p.m.
Location: SeniorsPlus Wilton
Our caregiver support groups offer a safe place for caregivers, family, and friends to meet and develop a mutual support system. Participation can be an empowering experience.
Kinship Support Group -Wilton
Date: Thursday, April 17 (every third Thursday)
Time: 6-7:30 p.m.
Facilitator: Cyndi Dolloff
Location: SeniorsPlus Wilton
Provided by Adoptive & Foster Families of Maine, Inc. & The Kinship Program, this meeting is led by Cyndi Dolloff, AFFM Trainer, Facilitator, and Resource Parent. Childcare is provided. RSVP by calling Brigid at 207-827-2331 or email brigid@affm.net.
Adoptive, Foster, and Kinship Support Group-Lewiston
Date: Tuesday, April 22 (every fourth Tuesday)
Time: 6-7:30 p.m.
Facilitator: Deb Hallowell
Location: SeniorsPlus Lewiston
Provided by Adoptive & Foster Families of Maine, Inc. & The Kinship Program, this meeting is led by Deb Hallowell, AFFM Facilitator, and Resource Parent. Childcare is provided with RSVP. RSVP by calling Brigid at 207-827-2331 or email brigid@affm.net.
Caregiver Support Newsletter
SeniorsPlus offers a quarterly Caregiver Support Newsletter to share caregiver-specific resources and opportunities to those in need. To receive the newsletter, please reach out.
AT&T-Cyber Aware Webinar
Date/time: At your convenience
Presenter: AT&T staff
Location: Online video
Catch this pre-recorded Zoom class to learn more about online fraud and scams. This presentation is designed for people who are interested in learning statistics, recognizing scams, and what to do to protect themselves while online. Call or email SeniorsPlus to obtain link via email.
Fraud & Scams Prevention
Date/time: At your convenience
Location: Online video
Every year, one in 10 older adults fall victim to scams and fraud. The number is most likely higher because many are embarrassed and afraid to report it to the authorities or to their families. This workshop will give you the information needed to protect yourself and your loved ones. Topic areas include Fraud Trends and Behavior, the Con Artist’s Playbook, Practice Spotting Fraud (using real examples), Prevention and Resources. Content from AARP Fraud Watch Network. Call or email SeniorsPlus to obtain link via email.
Cyber-Senior Mentors-A Tech Resource
Date/time: At your convenience
Presenter: Cyber-Senior
Location: Phone and/or online
Cyber-Senior Mentors provide technology training in the form of online webinars and telephone support for older adults. If you are interested in group or one-on-one technology support, please join in. Trained volunteers are standing by to answer your tech questions and also to help you sign up for online training sessions. Call Cyber Seniors at 1-844-217-3057.